326. Best Of: Coworking Plans that Provide Access - How to Sell What Today’s Customer Wants

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326. Best Of: Coworking Plans that Provide Access - How to Sell What Today’s Customer Wants

00:00:00,"Welcome to the Everything Coworking podcast, where every week I keep you updated on the latest trends and how tos in Coworking. I owned and operated Coworking spaces for eight years and then served as the executive director of the Global Workspace Association for five years. And today I work with hundreds of operators and community managers every month, allowing me to bring you a thought provoking operator,"

00:00:26,"case studies and inspirational interviews with industry thought leaders to help you confidently stay on top of what's important and what you can apply to your own role in the Coworking industry. Welcome to the Everything Coworking podcast. This is your host, Jamie Russo. So this is Thanksgiving week in the US. A lot of folks take at least a very long weekend since the holiday falls on a Thursday."

00:00:54,"I am traveling with my family this week and just got to tour a few spaces in London, which was amazing. So we have to do some downloading on that. Although one of the locations wouldn't let me tour, they didn't know who I am. They have not listened to the podcast. I should have called the owners ahead of time, but the front desk did not care about me and my podcast."

00:01:16,"No, I didn't tell them about the podcast, but the other locations that I dropped into were very kind and they were all clearly pretty busy. So I can't wait to share a little bit about my observations. In the meantime, I was looking through the stats on the podcast for a good best of episode, and this one popped out because this topic comes up all the time."

00:01:39,"Still, it comes up very frequently in our Community Manager group on Slack for our Community, Manager University students. So the title is Coworking Plans that Provide Access, how to Sell What Today's Customer Wants. And this is really talking about kind of all the bespoke solutions that end users are looking for today. So it used to be you'd have like three plans on your website,"

00:02:05,"and some of you still do, and I love the simplicity. I love not overdoing choice and overwhelming the end user. But if you know, you know, because we get a lot of requests for custom packages or I have a team that wants to use the same office, we want just a 10 person office, but 40 people want access The day pass purchases have gone way up."

00:02:32,"It's really hard to sell full-time Coworking, some of you do, I suspect, and I didn't get to ask all of my deep business questions on my Coworking tours since I just dropped in, but I could see they had a lot of flex members. So it may be that in urban markets we're still, you're still selling full-time Coworking, but in a lot of markets that's really tough."

00:02:54,"So we have to sell what the end user wants and kind of build the model around that and help make it work. So, so that's what these episodes talk about. So looking at the, you know, how do we handle 10 day pass requests? How do we handle enterprise users that want, or, you know, even small company users that want us to do things that we're,"

00:03:15,"we don't typically offer, you know, sort of on our typical menu item of, of Coworking options. So we're chatting about that today, and that has certainly not gotten stale as a request after the pandemic. So this one's a great one as you think about your offers and your pricing as you go into 2024. So hope that all of you who are in the US have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we will see you with a fresh interview next week."

00:03:52,"Welcome to the Everything Coworking podcast. This is your host, Jamie Russo. I am so glad to be here with you today. This is gonna be a shorter episode, but hopefully with a big thought provoking idea for you or maybe validation of something you're already doing. So first I wanted to say hello. We've been kind of all business on the intros lately,"

00:04:19,"so when I get to do a solo episode, I like to say hi. Share a little bit about what we're up to. We have been super busy, maybe too busy. It's probably a sign when people are constantly messaging you and saying, you put out so much content, how do you do this? Good question. Good question. So this week we did a really fun session."

00:04:45,"So we have a new program that we're doing. It will be open to the public sometimes. So we opened the first session to the public. It's how I did this series. So it's a little bit, I've pulled from some things that I'm involved with. And of course, if any of you listen to the How I Built this podcast, that's always an inspiration."

00:05:09,"But the idea for how I did this is to get a few operators to share in pretty good behind the scenes detail, something they're doing that's working for them. So I think one of the challenges as owners of businesses is that it's hard to know what other people are up to, right? What are you doing that's working for you? So I have the ability to kind of curate those sessions and bring them to you."

00:05:37,"So our first one was public, and then the next few will be open to our members of the new Everything Coworking Academy, which we have just launched. You can check it out by going to Everything Coworking dot com slash academy. So the first, how I did this was around choosing ACRM. So we had three awesome operators who have been in my Flight Group program,"

00:06:02,"which is the precursor to the Everything Coworking Academy for a long time. And they shared Pipedrive, Active, Campaign, and HubSpot. So you get the recording of that. If you join the academy, we'd love to see you, but it was just super detailed. They walked through how they use each CRM in their business, why they picked it, et cetera."

00:06:22,"And we had a very lively chat group. So anybody who was there was super fun for us to do, and thank you for making it extra engaging. So we're, I've been busy this weekend scheduling out the next how I did the sessions for the next few months. We're really looking forward to those. The next one is going to be how I scaled from one to multiple locations."

00:06:48,"That is a direct request from our existing member, one of our existing members. And I know that's always on the minds of folks who are working on a next location. What does that scaling process look like? How do you staff, how does marketing and sales change, et cetera. And we have a bunch of other things that go into the membership."

00:07:07,"So we do an expert training every month. I'm doing office hours, so if you have something you just wanna kind of walk through for 15 minutes, you can book an office hours session. We're doing marketing and real estate office hours with marketing and real estate experts who work in Coworking. So if you remember, you can sign up for that. We're doing quarterly masterminds and networking and what did I miss?"

00:07:33,"That might be it. And a quarterly expert, monthly expert training in addition to the how I did this. So, woo, it's a lot, but I love it. We're super, super excited about the folks that have joined. Again, if you're interested, you can find that at Everything Coworking dot com slash academy. And of course we'll have it linked up in the show notes."

00:07:54,"So the other big thing we've been up to, I promise we'll get to the episode in a second, but I'm maybe even more excited about this, is in December of 2019, we launched our Community Manager University, which has been growing ever since. And I love that program because I love community managers or owner operators. We have a few of those in that group as well."

00:08:15,"And the group is super engaged, which I love. So they're, we do a monthly training and we do a monthly q and a call and there's a Slack group and we just relaunched the platform that we used to house the training and with that relaunched our certification program. So I actually wanna mention to anybody who's listening who was in the program and did not get certified but did the work,"

00:08:44,"please send us an email because we wanna get you certified. So that's all up and running. It's super automated, it's so exciting. A huge thank you to our first four community managers that did their certification this month and helped us work out the kinks. And we have a bunch of folks that are almost done with our certification. Jess Thomas with the Root Coworking is certified Donna McIntyre with the Workshop and Root in New Zealand."

00:09:13,"Thank you Donna. Nikki Wright with Riverworks Coworking and Chelsea Lo Lopez from the post workspaces all did their certifications this month. I think Chelsea did hers before she had day one at the Post. She's the new Community Manager there. So super awesome you, they're posting to LinkedIn when they get their certification, they can add it to their certification section on LinkedIn,"

00:09:39,"they get an official certificate and all that good stuff. So if you have anybody you wanna enroll in the Community Manager University program, you can also find that on our website. Okay, so today we're gonna talk about a simple idea that I wanna make sure you're thinking about. Some of you certainly are, because I talk to lots of you every month and wanna share some of the nuggets that I hear."

00:10:07,"So we're gonna talk about Coworking plans that provide access. And I keep thinking about this concept and kind of more broadly, you know, how the segmentation around what people want from a workspace has changed post covid ID You know, if you listen to my early podcast episodes, please don't. We're on episode, I think this is 2 55. So if you go way back,"

00:10:35,"or not even way back just pre covid, you would hear me talk about not encouraging a 10 day pass or encouraging you to make it really expensive and unattractive because the view was, look, people need to understand that this is a membership. You can't buy day passes at a gym without it getting really expensive. You want to, you want people to realize they need to be a full-time member,"

00:11:04,"they need to belong. And part of that ca comes out of looking at sales funnels. And for a long time, my own included, I could still remember, you know, just battling over, do I get rid of this 10 day pass because everybody wants it and it's so cheap, and so I'm not making any money. And just looking at the sales funnel and realizing you need a lot of demand for the 10 day pass in order to make money."

00:11:32,"And it used to be that open space was harder to sell and we just didn't have enough demand to make a lot of money. And so it was better to force people in quotes into a full-time membership. And you may never have agreed with me on that, but today I think it's totally different. Hey, I am interrupting this episode for any of you that are thinking about,"

00:11:59,"or are already working on starting a Coworking space, which would be 2024 at this point, if you're just getting started, I wanna make sure you know, we have updated the format of our Coworking Startup School. We are now running it live. Although you don't have to attend live, you can get all the content and resources and the roadmap without attending live,"

00:12:25,"but we think that is the absolute best way to get the support that you need and build your own Coworking community as you're getting started. So we've split the Coworking, Startup School into two phases. And we've been running phase one, which we call validate your plan. And we really, really want folks to clearly know their numbers before they commit to a lease."

00:12:50,"We even have folks that already own buildings that are going through phase one to make sure they get everything right before they actually commit to their layouts and start construction. So phase one is really around knowing who your target customer is, making sure you have the right size of space that aligns with your goals, and then figuring out your product mix, your floor plan and your pricing,"

00:13:19,"and then putting that all together so that you have for proforma that you can take to the bank, as they say, literally and figuratively. Figuratively. We also have pitch deck and business plan templates, and we run these workshops live. So you're actually, we have prep work that you're doing offline as homework. We try to keep that pretty reasonable. We want you to be able to complete this work and make a go no go decision."

00:13:45,"And if you have draft floor plans and things that you're trying to like finalize and take to contractors or get plans approved on, we want you to be able to do that pretty quickly. So we run this across five weeks, which gives you a little bit of time to catch up on your homework. And we run live sessions with live coaches so that we can get your questions answered and walk you through as we go."

00:14:08,"But you're work shopping, you're doing the work on the calls, unless you've already done some of the work and then you're getting feedback on that work on the calls. Again, you don't have to come live, but we've designed it so that you get expert support and again, you meet others who are going through the same process and we do it pretty quickly."

00:14:27,"So phase one, validate your Model is running our next session, we have scheduled to start at the very beginning of January, and that's a ways away if you're listening to this when we just launch it. So you can register anytime and get the content immediately so you can start working on it. If we have enough folks register, we will move up the live date."

00:14:50,"So we like to have a little cohort that we can run through the PL through the program. So if we get folks who are registering, then we can move up the date of the start of the first live session. We've set it for the second week in January. So to get more details on that, go to Everything Coworking dot dotcom slash start."

00:15:13,"Now, back to our episode. So we see people offer full-time memberships, they're probably not that common. And the good news, there's a couple of, I think, really pieces of good news here. One is the demand for access and part-time memberships is going through the roof, right? There's this whole, whole new segment of enterprise remote workers. People can work from anywhere."

00:15:39,"All the things, it used to be really the only users of Coworking spaces, you know, executive Swedes of whatever you know, name you give to them, were pretty full-time. People who own their own business, small businesses, freelancers, that kind of thing. And the, you know, the demand side has just really opened up post Covid. And so there's a lot of people out there who want access and who want sometimes to work in a Coworking space."

00:16:06,"So the demand numbers, you know, the top of the funnel is bigger now. So that's good. I think the other piece is we're getting smarter about how to serve that group, right? We used to just really, I, I still talk about this a lot and I think we're getting so much smarter when we do our build outs and put in phone rooms understanding that,"

00:16:29,"you know, it's pretty rare that there's a person who joins a Coworking space who doesn't need to make phone calls. And so, you know, maybe that 10 day pass was for the pretty occasional user who didn't really do a lot of Zoom, didn't have a lot of client calls, you know, it was kind of an independent operating type of role and you know,"

00:16:51,"almost like there's just not that many people in that situation, right? So that's part of the reason I was always like, those are hard to sell. You aren't gonna get a lot of those. And now we design spaces with a lot of access to places to make phone calls and that allows us to better sell and sell more of, so there's more demand and we're creating a better experience for the people who work in open space."

00:17:17,"One of my Flight Group members, actually it's Jeff Sala who is one of the founders of Studio Workspace. He was our Pipedrive demonstrator on our, how I did this. And they have a little bit of a formula for how many phone booths to open seats, and that includes their dedicated and their flex desks. And it's a lot of places to make phone calls."

00:17:41,"And you know, I, again, I hear that trend on the, so I also, I didn't mention this in the, what I've been busy doing, launched a new podcast with Giovanni Palavicini, who is in the Flex Solutions group at Avis and Young. He's been in the industry for a long time. He is awesome. We interviewed Sarah Travers."

00:18:00,"This is not live yet, I have to remember what's live and what's not live. So go subscribe if you're interested to the Flex Uncensored podcast. We interviewed last week, Sarah Travers, who's the CEO at work bar, she was at Juicy and I'd never met her in person and I was slightly riveted by our conversation with her on the podcast. So you will get to be riveted."

00:18:25,"Also, I will say, you know, CEOs and many of you are CEOs that are, you know, she's used to talking about their story, right? It's a very polished story, but I think what they're doing is really amazing and they have a fair amount of open space. She said their favorite member is the 10 day member, I think she said they really don't want people in there more than 10 days a month."

00:18:53,"And as part of their story, they're very wellness focused. They have the first well certified Coworking space in the world. She thinks that it's healthier for people to have variety and come in 10 days a month. Not really more than that. So they love that member and because they serve that member so well, and I said this to her on the podcast,"

00:19:15,"I said, Sarah, I think you guys are doing this, you know, better than a lot of people because again, we're still really learning kind of how I think, how to serve that member in a way that makes the space super usable for them. I won't go into all the details, but they're super intentional about their space design. They have,"

00:19:37,"okay, I have to mention it, it's a spoiler alert, but she talks about the neighborhoods, and you may have heard an interview with her neighborhoods. They design neighborhoods into their workspaces. So they have a library where it's super quiet, they have a switchboard, which is where you can go if you need to take Zoom calls. And you don't care if other people are on Zoom calls."

00:20:02,"So you're just talking to a team member. Why take up a pho phone room when you're talking to a team member, it's maybe not a super confidential conversation, but it's on Zoom. So you can be in a room with your noise canceling headphones on and talk while other people are talking and they just train their members how this works and it works. So I think operators like Sarah are,"

00:20:27,"and you know, the whole work bar team are really leading the way in terms of figuring out how to serve that member. I will say I was super skeptical. I knew they didn't have a lot of private offices, so they don't build a lot of small private offices. They do large team suites and then a bunch of meeting rooms and phone rooms and open space."

00:20:47,"And that doesn't work for a lot of people. I, that's why I said to her on the podcast, I said, Sarah, you know, I tell my Coworking Startup School students, this doesn't work, but they're making it work. I and I then I told her, I think it's really, you know, some of their secret sauce, but you can learn how to do that too."

00:21:05,"And some of you probably are doing really well with this. So I thought it was super interesting. She said, the 10 day member is her favorite member. And I used to say, don't offer that. So back to my point on the theme of today's episode, Coworking plans that provide access, here's a little bit of what I see happening. Think about,"

00:21:28,"and I mentioned this in my weekly email, if you're not on our email list, you are missing out. We announced the academy opening last week, so go to the website and get yourself on on the email list. But last week, my email, weekly email was about segmentation. And you wanna be thinking really hard about segmenting your members. Who are they and what buckets do they fit into?"

00:21:54,"Not 10 buckets, but three or four buckets. And for sure you have the access bucket. So the group that wants to get out of their house sometimes, but not all the time. So they need access to a place. And so what does that look like? So here's what I see operators doing that's working, creating access plans that build loyalty and recurring revenue."

00:22:19,"So I, I will lighten up on the, you know, you should do a 10 day pass, but I want it to be recurring. So, you know, this model is really about recurring revenue. Certainly we love, you know, one-off meetings that add up to a nice bump and we're gonna talk about that in a second. But make,"

00:22:41,"you know, recurring revenue is what helps us sleep at night and it'll help build loyalty with your users. So I'm sure you're getting a lot of, what's the word I'm looking for? There's a word bespoke. Bespoke requests for memberships. You know, they, assuming you have a pretty simple offering on your website, which I still like, people are probably saying,"

00:23:09,"well, but I want this kind of thing. And I do think you should have something on your website that says, and call us if you need something else, because we like simplicity. And there are a lot of people who are trying to figure out how they, you know, use Coworking, how they give employees access to a space and what that bundle looks like."

00:23:32,"So you can try to simplify it on the backend, but you might need to talk through it with people and sort of point them into access plans. And when you're thinking about those access plans, here's what I want your goal to be. Obviously you have to negotiate what you're gonna negotiate, but your goal should be find a way to integrate recurring revenue and have sort of a minimum plan if you can,"

00:23:56,"so that people are paying for access even if they don't use it. Because I think we're, we're sort of in this time period where we haven't really seen the end user show up yet. And so the HR groups who, who are reaching out and they wanna do something, if you offer them the, oh, we'll give you, you know, 50 day passes and we'll just deduct them when your folks come in,"

00:24:25,"that works if people are coming in. And if they're not, then you're sort of holding space for them in a sense and not getting paid for it. So sell a minimum plan, say, look, here's the minimum plan to have access to the space because we can only do this for so many companies. You know, say, look, we can do this for 10 companies."

00:24:44,"If you wanna be on the list of 10, then here's the minimum monthly plan. It's recurring revenue, there's a membership, you know, there's an access fee and then there's a, like a minimum plan that gets them 20 day passes or whatever it is that makes sense. And then you bill them on a per use basis. That is just a suggestion."

00:25:06,"It can be however you wanna build it out. But the framework I want you to be thinking about is recurring revenue. If they want access, then your framing should be, look, we at some point will fill up. And so if you want us to save room for your people when they come in, then we need a minimum plan in place for that in order to do that."

00:25:29,"So put that together. Hey there, I'm jumping in again this time. I am speaking to those of you that have, are either getting ready to hire a Community Manager or who have a Community Manager and you would like to support their training and development. We know how challenging it can be for Coworking space operators to create their own training and development material to support their community managers."

00:25:59,"And this is so important in terms of onboarding new community managers and supporting the growth of your existing community managers. And we're getting towards the end of the year, what a great holiday gift end of year gift to give to your Community Manager. So the platform is really around a couple of things. One is access to a community of like-minded folks. We have a very active Slack group with really wonderful questions that are posed every single day."

00:26:30,"And we find that's one of the biggest values. We have community managers from all over the world and this is an excellent group of community managers that have invested time and effort into getting better at that role. And they are the kind of folks that you want your Community Manager to be by and hanging out with and they know their stuff or sometimes they don't and they ask questions and we help them out."

00:26:54,"So I am in the group, we have coaches that are in the group to support them. So we love when they ask questions for things they need help with because the other aspect of the program is really around helping them get resources they need to make their jobs easier and to learn things that they can use in their role to be better at their job."

00:27:14,"So we provide some done for you resources like Google business posts, detailed event ideas, et cetera, that they can just kind of grab and go and use. And we also provide monthly resources that add to our training library so they can do our certification. And then we have a lot of electives that help them kind of get better at all the things that that go with the role."

00:27:41,"So the, our community managers wear a lot of hats. So we break our content into industry knowledge for new community managers, community building operations, sales and marketing and leadership. So the leadership bucket is great for our more advanced community managers. We also have virtual office and digital mail training and coffee training for anybody who needs to know how to use commercial coffee brewers."

00:28:10,"So we have some of the, I'm just gonna give you kind of a sampling of content that we have. So in our community building modules, we have hosting your first member events, building community with budget friendly events, member events, swipe files, our sales and marketing modules. We have tour training, we have the training on the full Coworking sales funnel so they understand what that looks like."

00:28:39,"We have social media planning frameworks. We have, what else do we have? Three simple steps to an effective marketing newsletter. These are just some of our samples. Ooh, these are some of our best utilized topics. Demystifying the process of letting your Coworking members use your address for their Google business listing. How to close a tour operations modules, how to set up automations,"

00:29:08,"how to do a new member onboarding audit. Simple ways to use AI to boost your productivity. We have over 40 courses in the program, so we cover kind of higher level topics and then we also cover things that are timely, like the CMRA updates, Google business updates, et cetera. So we get together monthly to do official training and we also host a best practice sharing call,"

00:29:36,"which is one of the fan favorites of the group and the Slack group. So if you have any questions at all about the program, don't hesitate to reach out. You can learn more and register at Everything Coworking dot com slash Community Manager. Now back to our episode. So I see operators also doing this with meeting room space. And part of that is to build loyalty."

00:30:01,"Because there might be mul, you know, many options for folks to hold meetings. There may not be. So it depends on your market, but to get them to think, okay, when I hold a meeting, I go to X Coworking space because they have the meeting space I need and I am a member there. And so I can just book it on the app and I,"

00:30:23,"you know, maybe I have QC access and I know how the coffee works and where the restrooms are. And so it's super easy and from your perspective, you can have recurring revenue. So there's a meeting room membership fee. So this is what I see folks experimenting with and they get member rates on the meeting room and they are essentially a member. And so when they come in,"

00:30:47,"they're more trained than a guest, which makes it easier for your team also. So you may not give them door access or you know, you can decide kinda how you manage that or what's automatable, maybe it's not really easy to give them door access for their meeting room membership, but assuming they're coming in during staffed hours, probably not a huge deal anyway."

00:31:07,"But it gives them kinda more ownership and again, recurring revenue. So they're paying some monthly fee in order to be a member and get the member rates. You decide what that is. It might be $50, et cetera. So the other thing I would be thinking about in terms of access plans is, sorry, going through my notes, actually, I think my last note is about meeting room revenue."

00:31:36,"So kind of similar to the meeting room access plan, but think about, we could do, we'll do other episodes and get folks in who are talking about their meeting room revenue. But in general, meeting room revenue is off the charts for a lot of operators. If you have a smaller space, you may not be seeing this uptick. I do think the uptick is happening for larger meeting rooms and for larger spaces that have multiple meeting rooms."

00:32:03,"The reports we get are astounding around what people are doing in terms of monthly revenue for meeting rooms. And folks are still trying to, you know, get creative about kind of how they leverage that and harness it. You may not be able to get, you know, sort of that repeat, you know, monthly membership from some of the bigger meeting room needs."

00:32:26,"But think about how you, you know, you can bundle in access to things that they need during the day. So we had Lindsay on from BE LAMB few episodes ago, if you missed it, that one is a must go back to. And she was talking about how they're really focusing on corporate events and they can bundle in the morning hip hop class because they have a gym and so many of you have access to some sort of studio or gym or,"

00:32:54,"or amenity, even if it's not in your building, can you coordinate that for them? It's simple, right? Can you make it easy if there's something nearby? So she said, you know, they had a group that did hip hop yoga in the morning and then they used her cafe and had their, you know, coffee and croissants and then they did their team building meetings and then they did cooking class at the end of the day."

00:33:17,"And lots of you have kitchens and you know, things that can be used for that. And I was brainstorming with one of my members this week and she said, you know, they've got folks in there for multiple day meetings and some people need to meet, some people need to get work done. So she's thinking about like, well how do I bundle meeting room plus like the day pass or access to a large team suite where they can sit and,"

00:33:42,"you know, get heads down, work done. Just, you know, think more broadly about what folks might need when they come and use the space beyond, you know, the basics like catering, but what else can they do in the space? And again, I think this is easier for bigger spaces to do and I do think we'll start to see larger spaces happening because this demand is there,"

00:34:04,"right? You may have a smaller space because you didn't see the meeting room demand coming or you know, et cetera. And you may be in a market where you, that doesn't show up. And so that's not for you, it's sort of business as usual. But we're seeing a lot of folks kinda really harnessing meeting room demand. And if you're not seeing it,"

00:34:24,"but you think you should definitely figure out where you should be listed, do some SEO work on your website, do some blog posts about meeting rooms, do some work to get that demand, build some relationships with local meeting planners. You know, mostly you just, you wanna be able to get found for meeting room if you open an incognito window and Google,"

00:34:48,"you know, meeting rooms in whatever town you're in and see if you come up. And if you don't come up, you probably have some work to do. And I think it's worth doing if, if that, you know, if you're in a decent sized market where people are having meetings, because I won't go into kind of all, you know,"

00:35:05,"all the detail. I said this would be short and I'm already making it longer than I said I would. But the, a lot of the demand is for larger spaces. And so For the folks that are looking for meeting room space that may never have been really looking before, there probably are not a lot of options besides hotels, right? You know,"

00:35:40,"maybe there's a library, maybe there's a community center. There's just probably not a lot of places you can have a meeting besides a hotel. So if you are, if you have great meeting rooms, especially if you have larger meeting rooms, you are that option. That's not a hotel. And there's so many advantages versus a hotel, a hotel's harder to book for meetings."

00:36:02,"They have a lot more minimum requirements you need to buy their catering, you, you know, they're expensive. You need to buy their technology. And so you are super appealing, especially if you have great parking and all of those things. So make yourself found and get after that meeting room revenue. So, okay, that's what I wanted to share."

00:36:22,"Again, if you are interested in getting in, you know, access to other operators and getting the behind the scenes and to what they're up to, the best way to do that is to join our academy. We would love to have you join. It has just kinda reopened and you can find more details at Everything Coworking dot com slash academy. And if you have any questions about it,"

00:36:48,"feel free to reach out. We will see you next week. Thank you for listening to today's episode. If you like what you heard, tell a friend, hit that subscribe button and leave us a rating and review. It makes a huge difference in helping others like you find us. If you'd like to learn more about our education and coaching programs, head over to Everything Coworking dot com."

00:37:15,"We'll see you next week."

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Jamie RussoComment