143. Leading through Uncertain Times

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143. Leading through Uncertain Times

00:00:01 welcome to the everything Coworking podcast, where you learn what you need to know about how the world wants to work. And now your host, co working space owner and trend expert Jamie Russo. Welcome to the everything Coworking Podcasts. This is Jamie Russo. For those of you that don't know me yet, this will be an unusual episode. We are in the middle of dealing with the Corona virus. So if you are opening a new space, you might want to skip around to past episodes that are more focused on opening a space and operating a space. 00:00:45 I am the executive director of the Global Works based Association, owner of a co working space in Palo Alto, California, which is temporarily closed due to a shelter in place order. And I am the host of the Everything Coworking Podcast, and I run programs under that brand, including the Community Manager university and the co working start up school. If you are in the camp of working on opening a co working space, hang in there. If you are at the beginning of your journey and are looking for resources to support your journey,

00:01:22 you can get more details on the corking Starts school at www Duck Coworking startup school dot com. And for those of you who are not open yet, this might seem a fairly dramatic, a challenging time for co working space operators. No doubt, I think there's a lot to learn as you observe everybody working through this. I would say, if you are still a few months from opening, you are in good shape. I hope that we're through this in a few months, and I predict that everybody who's at home, 00:01:57 ah and can choose where they work will be rushing to get out, to be saying to be social. To get their businesses back on track. Corporate occupiers enterprise users will be looking for safer options, smaller options, more controlled options, places that get cleaned all day, every day. Not that we clean our seizes all day every day, but we have a lot more control over our smaller spaces versus a corporate campus. I think there will be a shift outside of the corporate campus helping people reduced their commute,

00:02:29 be a closer to home. Speaking of which, I was listening to a podcast over the weekend about all of the impacts of what we're living through. And one of the discussions was, Will people ever want to commute again? Because that is one of the factors that makes people unhappy, like one of the when they do studies on happiness. One of the thing factors that influences people's happiness is the length of their commute I got. All these folks weren't going anywhere. Now this is a pretty dramatic, dramatic, 00:02:59 drastic way Thio reduce a commute. But people will have gotten used to that. And will they say it starts saying like, Look, I'm not gonna come into the office every day. I think the other aspect is that people who think they wanna work at home get that experience and they realize they don't actually want to work at home so they might want a lighter commute. But they don't actually want to be at home because it's distracting even without the husband and the dog and the kids. Speaking of which,

00:03:26 I'm gonna keep this moving because my husband just went to the grocery store and be back soon, and I usually record these when no one is at home. But everybody is at home this week, so um, hang in there. If you hear some background noise, we try to edit it out, but so we're gonna dive in. So for those of you that are not open yet, use this as a learning experience. Maybe we'll do another episode about kind of our takeaways from this experience. But don't freak out. 00:03:53 Keep doing what you're doing. We're gonna come out of this ahead of where we are today. For sure. I am so confident that the trajectory of our industry is incredible and will likely be advanced because of what we're going through today. The thing we don't know is how long it will take to get through this. So I want to talk today just to kind of keep in your ear about what to be thinking about as we manage through this situation. So if you were listening to this episode and we've gotten beyond all of this and go ahead and skip ahead to next week,

00:04:27 hopefully this will not be relevant for very long. But it's relevant today, so I feel like it's the thing we need to talk about this week. So I just made some quick notes. Usually I like to be really prepared for these. I'm gonna speak from the cuff a little bit. I'm sure you can imagine with my many hats, I am really trying to help everyone that I can get through this including, you know, and I have clothes for my own space temporarily. So my days are pretty intense. 00:04:58 So first I want to talk about leadership. So if you are a co working space owner than you are in a leadership role and now is the time for youto own that and we'll live it and be there for your team, your members and your broader community. So what does that look like? I should also mention I have been I've launched its five day challenge. I call it a challenge just to kind of get people to put some urgency around it, to get people to open the e mails. But it's really a series of e mails across five days that cover various buckets of managing through this challenge.

00:05:37 So the first day dives into working with your team and some of the aspects of teamwork and rolls on your team. I'll dive into some details in a minute, but if you want to opt into this challenge and get five days of email, resource is totally free. That just I'm just trying to share what I'm learning and what I'm seeing from all the folks that I work with. The best thing we can do is share a CZ much as possible and try to help each other get through this. So the link for that will be in the show notes.

00:06:05 But it's a bit dot lee forward slash cove. It challenge bit dot lee forward slash cove in challenge. So I will walk through. Um, then you can jump in any time I'm gonna run it for the next couple of weeks until we feel like we're kind of we're we're getting through this. So, you know, the first day was really around leadership to members and staff and how to communicate just initial big operational changes. So many of us are starting to be in, you know, shelter from home states. 00:06:38 But you may just be, you know, making simple changes to greatly reducing your staff, asking members not to come in. So and so we're we're in the leadership bucket. But I'm mentioning some specific resource is to help you with that leadership role. So some templates Letter to your members. Communication to staff. Um, I included a response to membership hold requests, which we'll talk about in a minute, and then a temporary Coworking space closure checklist. So this is not so much in the leadership bucket,

00:07:10 but you're in charge of making sure all the things get done for your space, right? If you've to leave and close, you may still go in and handle mail. We'll talk about that in a second, but you want to make sure the space is sort of buttoned up, ready to go basic things like make sure your security cameras air on. Make sure there's nothing rotting in the fridge you're cleaning. Staff is still going to come through, but depending on their scope, you want to make sure the spaces in good shape as you leave it again.

00:07:37 You could do some things when you go in there during the day, but we're not trying to spend a lot of time in there. Most of us are encouraging members to stay at home and trying Thio protect our staff, but I'm gonna sort of jump in to an operational topic. This keeps coming up, so co working spaces are considered essential businesses. If we're handling commercial mail. So many of us are handling mail for our physical members and potentially virtual members, and we are CMR A's commercial mail receiving agencies, 00:08:08 and you may have filed that form with your local post office. So what does that mean? That means legally you can send someone in or go in yourself, manage the mail. Most folks are doing scanned male on Lee and not doing office hours for folks to pick up mail. Just trying to kind of avoid interaction of possible or leaving males for members in a secure place. If you can do that, so you are allowed to process mail. This is a revenue opportunity. If you don't have virtual virtual mail program,

00:08:38 we'll talk about that at the end of our conversation today. But if you do handle mail, you're allowed to do that. 00:08:43 You don't have to lock your door to members so members can get in ours. You're getting in through their key. 00:08:50 See access certainly were closed to non members were not doing day passes. We're not doing Neto doing We're not sort of using this as an excuse to stay open and continue to generate revenue on meeting rooms and that kind of thing. 00:09:04 But we are allowed to have our staff go in. And certainly if we have members that have a central business, 00:09:09 they can go in and use their offices. So back to our leadership bucket. Think about how you're leading to your team. 00:09:19 Be as optimistic as possible without being unrealistically Be positive. Help them see a future but be realistic if there are changes that you need to make to their status.

00:09:30 As things go along, keep them in the loop. The worst. The, um, we get most worried when we don't have information, 00:09:38 right? Panic sets in. When were we have uncertainty? That's what happens with the stock market, right? 00:09:43 The stock market hates uncertainty. Um, and so we've seen some bad days. So imagine your team or your members or your other constituents like investors, 00:09:53 um, feeling uncertainty about your status. The best thing that you can do is over. Communicate toe all of your constituents. 00:10:02 So that's part of leadership. Thinking through what do my constituents need to know and don't I think this is tempting when we ourselves are nervous and not sure what the future looks like to sort of, 00:10:15 like hide out a little bit and wait and see. Get in front of it, Get in front of it. 00:10:19 Be the one who acknowledges the situation and the strain on the members and that we're gonna operate differently. Talk to your staff.

00:10:28 Make sure you over communicate with your staff. So tomorrow, I think, is the day we talk about what in the email. 00:10:36 Siri's about what that might look like with your staff, so I am not used to doing daily check ins with my team. 00:10:41 But I'm doing that every day. Would you assume check in and just go through? Can updates. How did the virtual events goes? 00:10:48 Have go. Have we had cancellation or hold requests? Kind of going through the, You know, the hot topics of the day, 00:10:56 and it might be 15 minutes or it might be 1/2 hour, but making sure we check in our team is not used to working from home right. 00:11:02 Ironically, our community managers are never allowed to work from home generally, and now that's happening so let's help them be productive and feel connected. 00:11:12 And, um, you know, kind of staying on task and make sure we're giving them. And I'm not even sure I'm doing this as well as I could pee at this point because my days are so crazy.

00:11:22 Is helping them know what to focus on and spending their spend their time on? I will tell you that the operators that I see sort of getting through this with a positive tone and retaining members are those that have gone straight to flipping from where a physical community to were a virtual community, 00:11:41 helping people not focus on the space aspect and say, Look, we're here for Muse are here for you. 00:11:48 So the gyms that I've seen the successful are saying, Look, stick with us. We'll give you a zoom workout every day, 00:11:55 right? Or we send you workouts that you can do with minimal equipment at home, so helping people maintain a behavior that they want to maintain, 00:12:03 even without a physical space. So we're trying to do that for our members and in my flight groups in my community Manager University. 00:12:10 You wouldn't believe the creative things that are happening out there. Um and I okay, one of our members shared a newsletter today of all the things they have going on and that they've closed.

00:12:23 Two members have members that are going into the space, but they're working from home, and they're encouraging members to not be there. 00:12:28 They're not under a shelter in place mandate yet, but they've made the decision to close and they're trying to retain their members. 00:12:35 And the tone of this newsletter was just I said, I can't imagine somebody would try to cancel When you're sending this kind of news letter, 00:12:43 it just was, and I don't We don't want to overwhelm our members with events. So we took an approach which we tweaked immediately, 00:12:52 which was sending out Google Calendar invites for all the events for the week. And when you look in the email,

00:12:57 you've got, like, decline, decline, decline, you know, from from the folks that just aren't going to do it or feel like it's overwhelming. 00:13:04 And I I am very sensitive about overwhelming my calendar. I probably would have felt the same way. So I think the issue the newsletter Sunday night with with the events ahead for the week and let people opt in and add the events to their calendar, 00:13:18 and that way they have the option. If you have a slack group, make sure you're promoting the event and slack. 00:13:23 Make sure people know about them. But don't wreck their email inbox and make them feel overwhelmed. Remember, 00:13:30 we want to be there for our members. It's OK if they don't participate. They're at home with kids.

00:13:35 They have to homeschool and dogs and husbands, you know, negotiating every hour on who gets the office. 00:13:41 Firth of phone calls at home, like they're in that boat, too. And so you may not be the center of their attention, 00:13:47 even though we are super focused on, you know, maintaining that connection. And that's okay. Just let them know that you're here and that you're you have ways for them to participate when they need to. 00:14:01 Some of the events we see are purely social. Some are, you know, business related, so it kind of depends on what your culture responds to. 00:14:09 In general. Folks that are used to doing a lot of educational events are doing them virtually, and they still have their speakers and they still have,

00:14:17 you know, kind of all the educational business focus stuff happening. They've tweaked the content to make it relevant to kind of what we're working through here, 00:14:25 talking about crisis communications and marketing through challenging times and and things like that, or they're going purely social and giving people a happy hour on Zoom. 00:14:37 Just a way to connect or a knitting our run, zoom Or, um, one of the spaces is doing a watch. 00:14:44 The office episodes at lunchtime on Zoom. So just, you know, give options, see what works. 00:14:50 Don't be afraid to test. And, um, yeah, don't be afraid to test leave the ego at the door. 00:14:56 So this kind of I'm going through my list here. We talked about over communicating to your constituents and then switching from the physical to the virtual community and trying to get members to hang with you. 00:15:09 So a couple of thoughts when you have folks that ask for a hold were asked to cancel in the end. 00:15:18 This is you know, your decision. You're gonna have to figure out howto handle this in the best way. 00:15:23 And I think the biggest messages control what you can control, You're gonna have members who don't respond to your messaging and you're in treating them to think about the impact of canceling or encouraging them to remain a part of the community. 00:15:40 Some folks are a not gonna have the economic means, and they just need to get rid of expenses or be just aren't gonna Bye in there,

00:15:49 not your ideal. So when we think about our business, right, we have our ideal members. And when we opened, 00:15:55 I do this exercise with my co working startup school students. And we think about you know, what are their attitudes and their behaviours. 00:16:02 And, you know, what do they need for work? And what of the what kind of coffee do they drink? 00:16:06 And, um, you know what's important to them. And some people just are our best members would stick with us through thick and thin, 00:16:14 right, because they experience the impact of being a part of our community. But some of them don't, 00:16:21 right, So some of us, some of them are gonna join the space, and they're just not gonna kind of align with the same values, 00:16:27 even though their members and we can't control that so do the best you can. There's some creative things happening out there,

00:16:35 Um, offer vouchers. So if people So what we're trying to do, I think is avoid cash flow issues in the rial near term. 00:16:44 So we're almost a April 1st. Most of you probably have 30 day termination clause is so most of you're probably going to get through April. 00:16:53 Okay? Unless people pull credit cards, um, out of your system and then may is gonna be the challenge. 00:17:00 Rights of cancellations now are probably gonna run. They'll be members to April, and then if we're still in this in Mei Mei is gonna be hard. 00:17:08 So maybe when you're asking for foot, folks are asking to cancel our toehold. Um, you know, 00:17:14 asking them, can you pay for May? And I will give you a voucher to use later in the year. 00:17:21 Can you partially pay for May and will make up the difference over a few months later in the year? 00:17:27 Um, four members that have the means? There are some folks who are thriving in this business in this environment, 00:17:33 for whatever reason, and maybe they could pre pay to help with the cash flow issue. Least we have a member who every year wants to pre pay for six months,

00:17:44 and it drives me nuts because I hate the mental accounting of having cash in the bank. That, like is you know, 00:17:49 we're is a pre pay, but that could be really helpful. When you have a calf strain, so are their members. 00:17:57 That might pre pay. Um, I would be, you know, I mean, you again do things to sort of ease the pain today, 00:18:06 But don't give up revenue if you don't have to, just shift it to other months when it's easier for your members to pay and still gives you some Some Now, 00:18:16 I would be careful about offering refunds they paid for the month. Um, you know, this is a government order, 00:18:22 and so I think I would be pretty comfortable holding on a no refund policy. You know, they paid the views part of the month. 00:18:31 If you're in a shelter in place or you know you've closed, if you've just closed and they probably still have access to the space right so they can go in if they absolutely need to to get their work done so I would try to avoid refunds for your self preservation.

00:18:47 Again. It's your business choice. You decide what you can ethically handle. But if you want your business to survive, 00:18:53 we need to not be emotional about all the decisions that we make. So I would think twice about offering refunds if requested. 00:19:02 Be firm. Be tactful. Be positive. A couple of things we've been doing when folks ask to hold or cancel, 00:19:10 are you acknowledging their pain and then making sure to connect the dots for them about what's happening with us? 00:19:18 And if we have mass cancellations, then it will be hard for us to make it through this season and to be here when everybody's ready to come back. 00:19:27 So really connecting the dots to What does that mean for ability to pay rent and pay staff, letting them know that most people are staying? 00:19:34 So I posted this in my flight group slackers today. I happened to think this morning about the case study I'd seen around hotels getting people to reuse towels.

00:19:47 They simply tested the messaging on the little cards. They leave in the hotel room saying, You can get your towels watched every day, 00:19:55 but 80% of our guests choose to reuse. There's and be friendly to the environment. And overwhelmingly people started to re use their towels when they were told that most people do that. 00:20:06 So tactics like that and helping so connecting the dots, helping people understand the economic impact if they are capable to hang in there. 00:20:14 So I've been kind of wording it that way in my response and saying, Look, if you are not under economic duress than please help us maintain our space and maintain our staff and hang with us through this. 00:20:27 Are you able to do that? Um, and in that challenge that I mentioned, I provide templates for those responses bit dot lee forward slash cove in challenge if you want those templates. 00:20:39 So that being said, look again, you're gonna lose people. So we've been losing folks, and I don't know,

00:20:47 You know what that will look like in May if this continues. But we've been responding as well as we can and try to look at, 00:20:56 you know, pushing the cash flow pain a little bit into the future as we can. So that being said my next kind of thing for you to focus on is get ahead of the bad days, 00:21:06 you know they're going to come. So I don't know about you, but I find I find some days I wake up and think this guy is not falling. 00:21:13 And some days I wake up and think this guy might be falling. So trying to choose hope and optimism and all of those things, 00:21:20 I have to focus really hard every day to kind of release the physical stress. That manifest is I worry about all of you,

00:21:29 you know, with all of my hats were you know, I'm worried about helping the industry navigate this. 00:21:35 And I know, um, So I have a lot of support from Pacific workplaces who is on my team, 00:21:41 and they have access to, you know, attorneys. And they've done this before. And so I am not doing this by myself. 00:21:48 And I feel for all of you have to sit down and look at spreadsheets and, you know, look at your bank accounts and try to figure out what next step you're gonna take on your own. 00:21:57 So don't do it alone. There's no reason you have to do that we have a Facebook group. Everything. 00:22:02 Coworking has a Facebook group that G. W A has a Facebook group. You know, there are lots of other groups out there. 00:22:08 Whoever you kind of align with and feel most comfortable with that are offering a lot of programming. The G W A. 00:22:13 By the way, the Global Workspace Association for Anybody's Who's New has opened. All most of their resource is webinars.

00:22:21 They're doing over the next few weeks to the public, so make sure you pay attention. We had 372 people live last week. 00:22:28 Her weapon are from like like 30 different countries. It was amazing. I mean, I'm not amazing in that that, 00:22:36 you know, the reason behind that attendance is not amazing. But the fact that everybody's coming together and try to help each other is a is a bright spot and what we're seeing here, 00:22:45 and I love that about our industry. So back to the get ahead of the bad days, so expect just plan for it. 00:22:53 I thought we were going to be free and clear and we're seeing cancellations and I've got the P and L out and the spreadsheets and the cash flow and the bank account and tryingto scenario plan.

00:23:03 That's the other thing. Day three of the e mail. Siri's has some guidance on how to do cash flow and financial planning, 00:23:11 so you may need to start thinking about short term financing. Do you have access to a credit line? 00:23:16 Do you have access to investors that can help? Do you need to start preparing a letter to the landlord? 00:23:21 Do you need to talk to a real estate attorney to look at your lease? I think there will be some relief, 00:23:29 but I'm not sure it's gonna come out of your lease. Maybe. Um so California just, um, 00:23:36 I just saw today an interpretation. You know, the government has basically said the landlord cannot evict you immediately. 00:23:44 They have to give you a month to fix the problem. And we all you know, we all know that that's challenging. 00:23:50 If you're having a really bad month and depending on your cash reserves, that's that's gonna be tough. So they've given you a little bit of time.

00:23:57 But your best bet is to find some short term financing the you can access. Talk to your landlord. 00:24:04 You go through your lease and make sure you don't have any outs. But you know you may not. 00:24:08 And so I would be careful about expecting that you will. Um, okay, so expect that you're gonna need to do that. 00:24:18 Get yourself mentally prepared. Look at the situation. Start reaching out for help before it's an emergency before it's and 911. 00:24:28 Um, so I won't go through this if you want to get the email. Siri's with the cash flow analysis and all that. 00:24:35 You can grab that in the email. Siri's talk a lot about what Levers to pull to help manage cash. 00:24:42 You know how to think about how many months of expenses you have in the bank etcetera, etcetera. Too much for the podcast today.

00:24:48 Um, my next tip is don't stop marketing, okay? This is not going to last forever. So continue to build your pipeline, 00:24:59 and Phil leads into the top of your sales funnel. I am guessing, and I didn't look at this, 00:25:04 but the Searchie volume for co working spaces is probably low. So, you know, maybe not the died to be advertising, 00:25:11 but, you know, you can do you conduce the things that you can do with your time and that your team can do with your time so engaged in the broader community. 00:25:22 Generate awareness, look for opportunities to help and serve, but that also generate more awareness that you exist and that you're a solution for folks when they're ready to come back or when we're allowed to come back.

00:25:36 So folks have talked about things they're doing, you know, with other organizations in their community, food drives, 00:25:41 clothing drives, other ways to support. We've been doing a lot of sharing activities that you know the yoga center is doing or the you know, 00:25:51 somebody's doing stuff for kids or studies during an art class or whatever it is that's public. We've been kind of re sharing on the social channels and even through email and our slack channel just really engaging, 00:26:04 um, and supporting other organizations and that will pay off in the future with, you know, better relationships and potentially, 00:26:12 you know, co marketing and things like that. Consider opening your virtual events to the public, so in virtual events are kind of a competency for you or your developing one. 00:26:22 Through this process, consider just opening them up. They don't have to be just for members, right? 00:26:27 Often times we do. A lot of, you know, member only events. That doesn't need to be the case during this time. 00:26:33 So some of my flight crew members have had really great success getting speakers from the community to come do events for them.

00:26:40 Look, I should come d'oh! Over Zoom, most likely, but, you know, making it open to the public. 00:26:47 Put it on your socials, find Cem. You know, co promoters do some marketing trades with folks to kind of get the word out there. 00:26:54 Send it to your marketing email list, which hopefully you have, Which leads me to my next point. 00:26:58 Grow your email list. So as folks register for your virtual events, get their email address, asked them a couple of questions about what they do for work. 00:27:07 Learn a little bit about them and add them to your Sierra and add them to your marketing list. You should legally get them to Upton in order to do that,

00:27:14 Um, but it's a great way to build your email list, and then you've got even more folks on your marketing list so that when you reopen and you're ready to tell them that Hey, 00:27:23 we have an office open now or we have a couple of dedicated deaths open or were doing a co working special to get everybody back out of the house. 00:27:30 Now, you have some new folks on your list that you can market to do not stop marketing. Do not stop. 00:27:36 In a matter of fact, the last email in our five day Siri's is about some of the things strategic marketing projects that you could spend time on during this time. 00:27:45 But I've seen posts and Facebook groups. I go, you know, I was slated to open. I stopped all marketing. 00:27:51 Don't you know, don't you? You probably can't get out of your lease. And unless you're having of catastrophe and you're really not gonna make it, 00:28:00 if you're gonna see the other side of this, do not stick your head in the sand and hope for just you know any of us could have Ah, 00:28:06 this is a very bad month. But we can have bad months, right? I mean, uh, 00:28:11 industry is a little bit variable in terms of demand, and so you got to get through it. And you gotta just, 00:28:17 you know, look for ways to get out there and be more visible than ever. Don't stop marketing. 00:28:24 Um, last couple of tips. Virtual male DJ W A. This will go live. Stayed same day as the weapon are,

00:28:31 but I think they're going to make it publicly available is doing a webinar cat. Johnson's gotta coworking convo on virtual mail. 00:28:39 I have a virtual male resource. I will put the link in the show notes because I don't know what it is right now. 00:28:47 That wasn't very bright, but it'll be in the show notes. So I put it in the last newsletter. 00:28:51 If you're not on the newsletter, make sure you get on the news. That all right, throw. 00:28:54 I did this resource this weekend. I know that there are a lot of folks that find virtual male to be totally mysterious. 00:29:01 It is not hard. And I want to make it super simple for you. Let me see if I can find the, 00:29:06 uh, the link to that, uh, anyway, you know, I'll put it in the Yeah, 00:29:13 I can't find it. I put it in the show notes so that you can grab it or send me an email. 00:29:19 Um, but it's like the, you know, top 10 things. Did you two get started with your virtual mail program? 00:29:24 And I tried to answer just kind of common concerns and questions that I get on the on the topic. 00:29:30 Uh, my last note kind of unrelated, but I will just say it Try to put your device down. 00:29:36 I don't know about you, but I find that I have completely gone back to bad habits of like My phone is constantly in my hand and I'm looking at e mails and looking at slack,

00:29:47 and I'm getting a lot of emails and a lot of slack messages, but it I'm letting it sort of overtake me. 00:29:52 I see my husband doing the same thing. We have our devices in our hands, like at all times. 00:29:57 We don't at Neil's. That's certain way. Don't violate that, But on the weekends, we just aren't putting them down. 00:30:03 And eso try to give yourself a break. Take a walk without your phone, get into nature, try to recognize when you're just too into it. 00:30:15 Um, I know we need to stay on top of our businesses and the updates and what's happening. But we're probably doing ourselves a disservice by not giving ourselves a break and giving ourselves the head space to, 00:30:26 you know, focus on the things we need to focus on leading our team, keeping the marketing going, 00:30:31 getting our cash flow in order. If we're stuck in our devices and reading news. And, um,

00:30:36 you know all the Facebook groups and things like that go there when you have questions and then try to get out and do your stuff. 00:30:42 So that's partly advice to my own self. And I thought maybe other folks could use that advice is, 00:30:48 Well, so hang in there. Um, for those of you know, any question, certainly if there's something that's not being addressed Ah, 00:30:56 hole that you're seeing. Send me an email. I will make sure we get answers to you and get into the group's If you just need kind of mindset support, 00:31:06 there are a lot of great folks out there making you know good decisions and helping folks try to get through this.

00:31:12 We want you to all get through this, and we want you to have the tools you need to do that. 00:31:16 Hopefully, it won't last too long and will be kind of looking back on this. Glad that it's over and glad that, 00:31:23 you know, we're often running with the bigger trajectory than we had before, so that's it for today. 00:31:30 I will see you next week and I'll see you in the Facebook group and let me know. Send me an email or a D M er or whatever it is, 00:31:36 if you need some help that you're not getting tucked, is you never buddy.

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Jamie Russo