56. Top 7 Insights from the 2017 GWA Shared Workspace Member Survey

In this episode, I go through my Top 7 insights from the GWA 2017 Shared Workspace Member Survey.

 Here are the highlights. Click here to get the downloadable detailed version.

 The GWA annual conference is coming up on 9/11/17! If you are an operator that has been open for less than a year, we have a discount code for you. email me at jamie@archiveeverythingcoworking.dream.press for the code.

 Top 10 Insights from the Shared Workspace Member Survey:

 First, a bit about the respondents:

 These respondents are members of shared workspaces.

 Number of respondents (N) = 526

53% male / 47% female

35% age 35-49

 78% urban areas

 33% coworking space respondents

56% serviced office space respondents

9% respondents from flexible office offered by private businesses


  1. Coworking space members are not just tech startups. 47% work for small businesses, 20% are solopreneurs or freelancers and 12% work for large companies. Only 7% of our respondents identified themselves as a member of a technology start-up team.

  2. 65% of serviced office respondents reported working in an office but 38% of coworking respondents did as well. And 26% of respondents reported working at a dedicated desk where they could leave their belongings overnight.

  3. 69% of members that pay for their own workspace travel less than 20 minutes to get to their shared workspace.

  4. Coworking respondents cited that their number one reason for joining was that their employer is located in their shared workspace.

  5. Respondents reported learning about their current workspace mostly through Google at 36% and then secondarily by word of mouth (31%). One requires a lot of resources against staying relevant in the search engines and probably putting some marketing budget against google AdWords and the other involves having a low-cost program that encourages your members to tell their network about you.

  6. When asked which environmental attributes you most value, most people chose “professional setting,” the next most selected response was cleanliness and the next most selected response was aesthetics.

  7. When asked for their wish list for their space, the top answer was that it be more affordable; the second was more meeting spaces and the third was better parking. Note - for coworking, Faster wifi was the third most popular response.


If you missed episode #55, it goes through the insights from the Operator survey. Definitely, don’t miss that one. You can download the executive summary of that report here. (I need to insert the leadbox code)

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PodcastJamie Russo